Electric Hunter Star Quilt Pattern

Hello, let’s go on another job to increase your variety of standards and your skill. The literal translation of patchwork is “work with retail”, but it’s not simply a random patchwork meeting! Patchwork is a handcrafted work that brings together pieces of different fabrics, spliced, that form specific or geometric designs, in harmony with each other and can follow a pattern of colors.

For example: lilac, white with violet and purple designs. In this way, they usually form squares, hexagons, diagonal lines … There is no limit of formats use your imagination and leave the work with your way. Handwork is great for satisfaction with the result and as a hobby, with the invention of the sewing machine, many new options have appeared, making work easier.

Over time, the technique has been improved and there are several ways to make the seams. But regardless of the chosen way to create the work, the steps are the same. 

Nowadays it is possible to find many varieties of products made with the technique, from the traditional bedspreads, to bags, clothes and household items, bed and bath.

So many people give presents with patchwork items. If you have the ease with these jobs, this is a great idea to get an income.
Below I leave for you the free Pattern:


Pattern Directions ☛  Electric Blue Hunter Star Quilt Pattern