Old Tobacco Road Quilt, a wonderful quilt and perfect for your home. In the decoration of the room, this bedspread can leave the atmosphere cheerful and creative, in addition to being very delicate and stylish. This piece is incredible and can help you a lot by decorating the room or keeping you warm. Very well explained in the tutorial this work was done with these beautiful colors, but if you wish you can also do it using yours.
The colors of your bedspread will depend on your taste, keep this in mind as it is important. It is always good to have quilts at home, especially when winter is approaching. It is an excellent product option for sales because it is a differentiated piece and requires time to be made.
Certainly when doing your job you usually have a lot of doubts about how it is the best way to do a perfect job, we know what it’s like to have these doubts. But with love and patience it is possible to do incredible jobs. Thank you for visiting our website.

Old Tobacco Road Quilt
Pattern/Images/Cat/Tutorial: Quilt Ville
Yardage Requirements:
Quilt Center:
Lights and neutral Scraps, Fat Quarters or Yardage: 1-3/4yard to 2 yards. (Or equivalent in 2″ strips
Assorted dark scraps in many colors from Fat Quarters or Yardage: 1-3/4yard to 2 yards. (Or equivalent in 2″ strips)
Earth tone fabrics in shades of rust, dark tan, brown, and some black for depth: 1-3/4yard to 2 yards. (Or equivalent in 3.5″ strips)
Optional Controlled Color Scheme: Quilt Diva Julie has posted pics of her fabric choices to her blog with my encouragment as a way to show something less scrappy and more controlled. Feel free to use her color choices as your jumping off point!
Optional First Border:
1/2 yard black (I used something similar to a black moda marble)
Optional Second Border:
More earth tone fabrics as above in shades of rust, dark tan, and rust: 1-3/4yards (or the equivalent in 3-1/2 inch strips)
More lights and neutrals as above: 1-3/4 yards (or the equivalent in 3-1/2 inch strips)
Final Border:
1 1/3 yard dark to tie it all together. You might want to wait until you get to this point to choose, or as an option, choose a busy print and use the color dots on the selvege edge to help you pull coordinating fabrics for the assorted darks listed as a requirement for the quilt center. Another option…if you want more color control in your quilt than I do, Choose your border fabric first. (This is a cheat..but I’m going to tell you because I want you to be happy!) Looking at the picture above…choose ONE color family for the 4 patches (ie: green/neutral) and another color family (ie: cheddars and golds/neutrals) for the half square triangle hint above. Your earth tones can also be a completely different color (say purples and reds?) if you are one of those, like Freddie Moran, who says she “Just doesn’t understand BROWN” *LOL*
Couch Size: 1/2 yard
Full Size: 3/4 yard
Our Crew Opinion About This Old Tobacco Road Quilt
Old Tobacco Road Quilt, a stylish bedspread that will help you a lot in decorating! I’m sure you will be amazed by the beauty and creativity that this bedspread has, especially this winter that is coming when you need to stay warm. With a beautiful stitch and wonderful colors that can be changed according to your will, which is great and helps a lot!
Want to make this beautiful Old Tobacco Road Quilt to use today? So follow the tutorial we brought you here today and I’m sure you’ll be able to make this wonderful Old Tobacco Road Quilt easily, everything will be amazing and very beautiful, believe me! This piece is simply wonderful and will serve you well, as well as warm you up!