Fat Eighth Fruit Cake Quilt

Simplification is one of the words that best defines the modern style that seeks to find comfort in an environment with easily obtained shapes. And when we talk about modern style, we can choose some aspects that best define this type of style, especially talking about types of furniture and decoration, layout and quantity of elements in the space. In the idea of ​​keeping the decoration simple, the modern style usually does not work so much the ornamentation, either of its furniture, that unlike the classic baroque and rococo styles, does not need themes its floral or nature-based decorations carved in the doors, either in the arrangement. and in the use of purely decorative elements.

In today’s post we will give you some ideas on this type of decoration and still bring the pattern of this amazing Fat Eighth Fruitcake Quilt to help you. With a few exceptions, such as paintings and mirrors, decorative elements almost always add up to this style. But that does not mean that the environment is without personality or too cold: the elements can be inserted but with caution and balance.

Free Available Pattern: Fat Eighth Fruit Cake Quilt

Thus, the organization of the environment is also prioritized, keeping everything in its place and generally enclosed in cabinets and drawers, with no display on shelves, very common today. Although it is in modernity that concrete elements can acquire more organic and curved shapes, what prevails in modern decoration are straight lines, whether horizontal, vertical or diagonal, and believe it or not, these lines make everything more beautiful.

The use of these lines, although they may give the appearance of a harsh and uncomfortable environment, are balanced with other types of materials that give the opposite impression, creating a balance in the environment, a mix of sensations. Therefore, materials such as wood, leather and suede contrast well with iron and glass. In addition, the more yellowish lighting can also end up giving a feeling of warmth and comfort to the environment, because of the feeling that the environment gives.

The modern style is a type of decoration dating from the twentieth century but that speaks very well with today’s contemporary style, especially the minimalist and clean trends, much sought after today. And that’s not without explanation: these new decorating styles that are catching everyone’s attention today have been greatly influenced by the modern style that has innovated in decorating, removing excessive and eye-catching ornaments that divert people’s attention to how furniture and other items of design performed their function.

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