Whispers from the Past CAL

Lilies are beautiful flowers, much appreciated by florists, gardeners and anyone who likes the beauty and fragrance of flowers. It is a plant originating in Europe, Asia and North America, but there are some species native to the tropics, especially higher and colder regions. More than half of the species are found in China and Japan. They are bulb plants that provide only one bud per bulb from which the flowers and leaves come. They are small and medium in size and cultivation is relatively easy. In this post you will learn more about it and also how to make wonderful Whispers from the Past CAL.

You will find the bulbs ready for planting and we recommend that you plant them in autumn or early winter so that the flowers appear in the spring, decorating your garden and making it more beautiful. How to care for lilies: meet the three varieties. The three main varieties of lilies are: Eastern. These are the plants that have large flowers and a strong, incomparable perfume.

Free Crochet Pattern: Whispers from the Past CAL

Asians. Asian lilies have smaller flowers, almost without perfume, but have very varied and strong colors that give an incredible touch to the environment in which they are. Longuiflorum. Lilies of the longuiflorum variety only bloom in white and cream colors and have large flowers too, ideal for arrangements. How to care for and plant lilies. Lilies need lots of sunlight and a well-drained substrate. If you are going to plant them directly in the soil, observe the region of your garden that usually dries up faster after the rain. This will be the ideal place for planting.

The planting site needs to receive sunlight at least half the day. Lilies planted in the shade tend to grow crooked as the plant begins to hang in the sunniest areas. As we said earlier, you will acquire bulbs ready for planting and they should go to the land immediately after purchasing them to ensure good flowering so be careful. If you cannot do this right away, leave them in the refrigerator to prevent them from sprouting.

Make holes in the ground about 10 to 15 cm deep and with a space of 15 cm between them. Throw a little bone meal at the bottom of the hole and the bulbs on top. Water immediately to encourage bulb growth. The ideal soil should be light and with a high level of fertilizer. Prepare the soil by adding a good amount of coarse sand and organic fertilizer so that it is well drained and enriched with nutrients, ready to house the plant.

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