Christmas Heirloom Afghan – Crochet Free Pattern

Ready to learn another pattern and continue to have a productive week? The Christmas Heirloom Afghan is that blanket that hugs you, decorates your home and even makes everything more festive. The name of the pattern might have scared you, after all, we’re still a long way from Christmas. But this pattern is very versatile, if you change the colors, you can have a beautiful afghan heirloom to wear every day you want.

If you sell crochet, sell your handcrafts, you can make the pattern and photograph it to offer when it gets closer to the festive dates. It may seem early, but on holidays our orders increase and we don’t have time to build our portfolio. In addition to practicing and learning a new pattern, you already have a beautiful option to offer.

Whether hobby or profession, crochet technique is perfected with practice. With this pattern you can practice every day, making one square at a time, you can take a ball of yarn and the crochet hook with you when you have an appointment. There is no better way to spend time and be distracted while waiting for an appointment.

Image / Pattern / Tutorial: All Free Crochet

The christmas heirloom afghan pattern is available in All Free Crochet. To make a 45” (114 cm) wide x 53” (135 cm) long afghan heirloom, including border, you will need to make 30 squares. After all are ready, just sew them and finish the edge. The materials needed are basic, yarn of your choice, yarn needle and crochet hook.

The pattern has a diagram that will help you step by step. Take the opportunity to use creativity in choosing colors and combinations, we are sure you will rock. Tell us here in the comments what you think and what it was like to make this piece. We look forward to reading it all!

Heirloom Afghan – Etsy