The Paintbox Blanket

Clothes that are stored for a long time or forgotten in a damp place end up with white spots or dark spots of mold. This is the case with that sweaty gym outfit that was left in the backpack or with those towels that were left in the washing machine for longer than they should have been. Today you will learn how to make an amazing The Paintbox Blanket and you will also learn how to remove mold from your clothes with simple tricks: The desire is to throw everything away or sit and cry for the loss of your beloved clothes. But know that, depending on the damage, you can recover your little pieces and get rid of the mold leaving them as new.

What is mold and mildew?
Mold and mildew are fungi that thrive in humid and warm places, especially those heavy winter clothes that are kept for a long time, shoes, sheets and towels and even objects and walls. Mold is that gray-colored relief that sits on objects or clothing and can easily be removed with a simple damp cloth.

Free Pattern Available: The Paintbox Blanket

Mold, on the other hand, damages the affected material and is characterized by black spots that are more difficult to remove, mainly in the fabrics. Mold and mildew are very common household problems, especially if your home is damp and has little sunlight, don’t think that they happen due to poor hygiene or poor cleaning of the environment or your clothes. And as mold and mildew are microorganisms that are harmful to human health, so it is important to clean well and eliminate moisture spots. The spores produced by mold can aggravate asthma, can cause respiratory allergies, skin allergies and even infections.

Did you find mold spots on your bed, bath or personal wear? Do not despair, the solution may be simpler than you think, come check out our step by step now to get rid of this problem. 1 Clean immediately. As soon as you discover the mold stain, put the laundry on to wash and prevent the fungus from growing on your clothes. 2 Choose the ideal product. There are several products that can be used to remove mold from your clothes, choose the one that is most suitable for the type of fabric to avoid damage to your clothing, otherwise you are going to spoil the clothes. White vinegar is the most versatile of all and can be used in many different fabrics. It can be diluted with water and applied directly to the stain or you can soak the piece in this mixture.

In addition to white vinegar and heat, there are other homemade recipes that help and a lot in combating mold and facilitate the task of removing stains from moldy pieces, you can find them on the internet. Bleach is the most powerful product to stop mold, but for obvious reasons, it cannot be applied on colored clothes or on delicate fabrics. If the pieces are white and made of resistant fabrics, then you can go with everything without fear! Liquid or powdered Borax is also very effective and safe for colored clothing, but always test the product in a small hidden area to make sure it will not damage your garment, it is better to be safe than sorry. 3 Apply and rub. Having defined the type of product you will use to fight mold, apply it on the stain or soak the piece and rub the whitest spots with a soft brush or an old toothbrush. Try to do this in a well ventilated area so that the spores do not spread in the air and do not cause problems for your health.

4 Wash using hot water. Mold does not survive high temperatures, so check your clothing label guidelines and, if you can wash it in hot water, rinse the garment thoroughly with very hot water and washing powder, this will help you a lot. 5 Drying. If possible, let the clothes dry in the open air and in the sun. Take the opportunity to air all the other items that have been in contact with the moldy clothing so that the mold does not proliferate. If it is not possible to dry the parts in the open air, use the clothes dryer, the heat from the machine will help to eliminate what remains of the fungi.

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